Jumat, 30 September 2016

Google Umumkan Tunda Pengembangan Proyek Smartphone Modular

Image dari Ideinn.com
Pada artikel sebelumnya kita sudah membahas tentang sebuah proyek khusus yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan teknologi besar, Google, yang diberi nama Project Ara. Project Ara merupakan proyek pengembangan perangkat smartphone  berkonsep modular atau bisa dikostumisasi sesuai dengan keperluan pengguna. Atau singkatnya, ponsel pintar ini nantinya bisa dibongkar-pasang dengan berbagai tambahan bagian mulai baterai, kamera, speaker hingga chip memori untuk menambah peforma.
Mungkin terdengar cukup keren bagi banyak peminat perangkat teknologi, namun pada kenyataannya proyek ini terancam gagal karena divisi Motorola yang menangani proyek ini menyatakan bahwa project Ara harus dihentikan sementara.

Menilik Kembali Perkembangan Project Ara

Pada tahun 2013 lalu, Google memperkenalkan project Ara yang merupakan proyek smartphone modular pertama milik Google. Ditukangi oleh divisi Motorola yang termasuk dalam perusahaan Google, project Ara awalnya memang mendapatkan perhatian cukup baik. Namun yang menjadi masalah, ternyata proyek#smartphone ini mengalami kesulitan untuk memenuhi deadline sebelum diluncurkan secara resmi.
Bahkan yang menarik, pada event Google i/o 2016 yang telah rampung digelar beberapa bulan lalu, pihak pengembang menyatakan bahwa pada akhir tahun 2016 ini perangkat smartphone modular dari Project Ara sudah bisa mulai dirilis. Namun ternyata memasuki semester kedua 2016, pengembangan beberapa modul dari smartphone Project Ara mengalami keterlambatan.
Pada event Google i/o 2016, juga dimunculkan pula sebuah video demonstrasi smartphone modular yang sempat menyita perhatian banyak pengunjung. Namun sangat disayangkan, video tersebut justru menjadi awal pengunduran masa rilis project Ara.
Hal inilah yang kemudian membuat #Google merasa perlu untuk melakukan pengunduran deadline untuk peluncuran resmi. Dari awalnya Google memasang target di tahun 2015, lalu bergeser ke akhir tahun 2016, dan yang terakhir kabar menyebut bahwa Google baru akan siap memamerkan smartphone “bongkar pasang”nya tersebut pada tahun 2017 mendatang.
Kabarnya, salah satu yang menghambat tercapainya deadline waktu rilis project Ara adalah pengembangan perangkat yang tidak fokus. Dalam hal ini, tim developer justru tidak menaruh perhatian besar terhadap beberapa komponen modular yang bisa digantikan seperti CPU, kamera, sound system serta modul yang lain. Perhatian pengembang justru terfokus pada desain dan juga perangkat yang bersifat statis (tidak dapat diganti).

Belum Sepenuhnya Ditutup

Seperti diketahui bahwa sebelumnya Google memang pernah mencoba sejumlah proyek terkait dengan pengembangan perangkat smartphone. Namun usaha tersebut selalu mengalami kendala, termasuk juga dengan project Ara ini. Dan ketika di singgung tentang keberlanjutan project Ara, Google menyatakan belum akan menutup sepenuhnya proyek tersebut.
Dengan melihat potensi dan juga kemungkinan untuk bersaing di pasar smartphone, Google masih membuka peluang bagi perusahaan teknologi lain yang ingin mengambil alih Project Ara alat proses akuisisi divisi Motorola.
Melihat kemungkinan ini, kabarnya sejumlah perusahaan besar tertarik untuk bekerjasama dan meneruskan pengembangan proyek smartphone modular milik Google. Namun belum ada kejelasan ataupun pihak yang secara resmi menyatakan tertarik untuk menandatangani kerjasama tersebut.
Jadi secara umum, bagi penggila teknologi yang ingin segera mencicipi smartphone modular nampaknya harus kembali bersabar karena proyek ini dipastikan akan ditunda dalam waktu yang tidak ditentukan. Namun jika ingin melihat perkembangan terakhir, rekan-rekan bisa merujuk ke situs resmi Project Ara atap.google.com/ara dan siapa tahu Anda bisa menjadi salah satu beta tester untuk pengembangan selanjutnya.

Kamis, 29 September 2016

Update Layanan, Uber Perkenalkan Tiga Fitur Barunya

Update Layanan, Uber Perkenalkan Tiga Fitur Barunya

aplikasi Uber
Image dari Suara.com
Persaingan antara perusahaan digital yang membuka layanan di Indonesia saat ini juga sudah semakin ketat. Sebut saja untuk layanan pemesanan transportasi berbasis aplikasi, terhitung sudah lebih dari 10 perusahaan berbeda yang membuka usaha di Indonesia. Ini tentu menjadi tantangan bagi setiap perusahaan untuk mampu bertahan dan selalu dipercaya oleh konsumen.
Salah satunya yakni perusahaan pemesanan transportasi online, Uber. Perusahaan yang sempat tersandung sejumlah masalah beberapa waktu lalu tersebut, menjadi perusahaan digital asing yang memperoleh keberhasilan cukup besar di pasar lokal. Tidak mengherankan jika perusahaan yang satu ini kemudian selalu berupaya untuk meningkatkan layanan utamanya untuk konsumen di Indonesia.Belum lama ini Uber Indonesia mengeluarkan pembaharuan sistem yang membawa adanya 3 fitur baru. Tiga fitur tersebut yakni fitur penjadwalan perjalanan, profil keluarga dan yang ketiga profil bisnis. Dengan adanya 3 fitur ini tentu diharapkan akan semakin mempermudah pengguna dalam memanfaatkan layanan Uber. Penjelasan tentang 3 fitur baru tersebut, bisa rekan-rekan simak artikel berikut ini.

1. Fitur Penjadwalan Perjalanan

Fitur terbaru yang pertama dari Uber yakni penjadwalan perjalanan atau schedule a ride. Secara sederhana fitur ini akan membantu pengguna yang ingin mengatur jadwal secara mudah melalui#aplikasi Uber. Dengan layanan ini, nantinya pengguna bisa mulai menjadwalkan perjalanan yang ingin dilakukan menggunakan fasilitas transportasi Uber, mulai dari 30 menit ke depan hingga yang terlama yakni 30 hari ke depan.
Fitur semacam ini tentu akan sangat bermanfaat bagi pengguna yang sering kali memanfaatkan fasilitas Uber secara rutin. Selain itu, dengan kepastian sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah dibuat, tentu perjalanan kita akan lebih terjamin dibanding harus memesan pada hari atau waktu itu juga. Yang unik ternyata layanan ini baru pertama diluncurkan untuk kota international, dan Jakarta terpilih menjadi kota yang pertama selain tentunya untuk pengguna di Amerika.Namun untuk wilayah pengoperasian fitur penjadwalan ini masih belum bisa dinikmati oleh seluruh pengguna yang ada di kota Jakarta. Pasalnya fitur yang berlaku untuk layanan UberX ini masih hanya tersedia untuk beberapa area tertentu. Namun ke depan pengembang Uber akan segera memperluas cakupannya.

2. Fitur Profil Keluarga

Fitur kedua yang ditawarkan Uber yakni fitur profil keluarga. Sesuai dengan namanya, melalui fitur ini seseorang bisa menambahkan pengguna lain sebagai anggota keluarga. Setelah masuk ke dalam daftar tersebut, kita nantinya bisa menanggung pembayaran untuk pengguna yang masuk pada daftar keluarga kita.
Dengan fitur ini, diharapkan akan semakin meningkatkan keterjalinan antara pengguna satu dengan pengguna lain terutama yang memang berstatus sebagai keluarga. Sebagai contoh seorang ayah nantinya bisa langsung mengakses dan membayarkan tagihan transportasi Uber untuk anggota keluarga seperti istri dan anak. Jumlah anggota keluarga yang bisa ditambahkan pun juga terbilang cukup banyak yakni 10 orang.
Namun yang harus diperhatikan adalah, untuk bisa dimasukkan dalam daftar profil keluarga, orang tersebut harus mempunyai akun Uber yang aktif dan memenuhi ketentuan layanan Uber. Selain itu bagi yang ingin menikmati fitur yang satu ini, ternyata baru tersedia empat kota yakni Jakarta, Bali, Bandung dan Surabaya.

3. Fitur Profil Bisnis

Serupa namun tidak sama dengan fitur sebelumnya, fitur profil bisnis menjadi bagian tersendiri bagi Anda yang ingin memisahkan antara tagihan transportasi pribadi dengan tagihan yang bersifat bisnis. Seperti diketahui bahwa saat ini juga semakin banyak para pebisnis atau karyawan yang harus bepergian ke berbagai tempat untuk urusan bisnis dan waktunya pun sangat beragam.
Dengan adanya fitur ini, para pengguna bisa lebih leluasa dan tidak kerepotan untuk memisahkan tagihan yang memang berasal dari perjalanan bisnis. Selain itu, untuk jumlah perjalanan yang terbilang banyak, tentu akan semakin mudah jika kita menggunakan fitur yang satu ini.
Dengan persaingan yang semakin ketat, Uber berupaya untuk memberikan layanan yang lebih baik dari waktu ke waktu. Semoga saja fitur tersebut bisa semakin disempurnakan dan tentunya tak lain dapat memberi keuntungan bagi pengguna di Indonesia.

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015


Whether you're a beginner, intermediate or expert, you're sure to find what you're looking for in our great collection of After Effects tutorials from around the web.

Want to know how to do something in After Effects? The web is brimming with tutorials for people wanting to learn about Adobe's 3D, motion graphics and animation software. But sometimes it can be an uphill struggle finding the tutorial that's right for you. So here we've collected together the best After Effects tutorials on the web for you. You should be able to find what you're looking for here – if not, let us know what topics we're missing in the comments below!

Beginner level

Beginner's guide to After Effects

These After Effects tutorials from Digital Tutors take an introductory look into the software and compositing in general.

Introduction to After Effects

This easy-to-follow video tutorial from the Greayscalegorilla team explains the basics of animating and pre-comping in After Effects.

Learn some basic effects in After Effects

If you're fairly new to After Effects, you might want to take a look at some of Video CoPilot's basic training tutorials. In this project, Andrew Kramer shows you how to use some simple effects for some great results.

Starting with After Effects

Pascal Verstegen, aka Enkera from Noa Studios, shows you how you can get started with Adobe After Effects with only a basic knowledge of programmes such as Photoshop. The result is a simple but effective animation.

Start animating with Adobe After Effects

Andrew Kramer is at hand to show you how to use animation techniques in Adobe After Effects. An extremely useful tutorial that will introduce you to the basics of animation in After Effects.

Developing your technique

Creating and using masks in After Effects

Adobe After Effects: Learn how to mask objects efficiently
Andrew Devis explains how to mask in an efficient way using After Effects. In this After Effects tutorial, Andrew demonstrates the tools needed for masking along with some handy keyboard short cuts.

How to track motion in Adobe After Effects CS3+

Once you've got the basics down, it's time to delve into the world of motion tracking. Here, you'll learn the ins-and-outs of track motion, which can also be used to stabilise existing footage.

The naked truth about 3D rotations

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between rotation and orientation? This After Effects tutorial explains the way rotations in 3D space work. Once you understand the concept – it will be easier for you to tame rotations in After Effects and beyond.

Create easy 3D reflections

Want to create easy 3D reflections with no plug-ins in After Effects? This video tutorial will show you, as well as how to simulate reflective falloff and blurry reflections.

Camera Solving For Moving Objects in Mocha 3

Product manager Martin Brennand takes you through how to use the camera solver to get the 3D data of a moving planar object. You'll also learn how to export 3D to After Effects and attach 3D particles from Trapcode Particular.

How to replace a sky in your composition

Tom Skelton is the king of After Effects tutorials. Here, he shows how to add in a backdrop behind moving objects and blend each element together seamlessly.

Put together a realistic composite

Adobe After Effects: Superimpose a District 9 style space ship
Adding outside elements into a scene can be a tedious task that most of us find frustrating. Take a look at this tutorial, where Youssef Sarhan shows you some composition techniques to superimpose a District 9 style space ship.

How to create and rig a realistic puppet overview

This is a quick overview of Aetuts+'s 'How To Create And Rig A Realistic Puppet' series. It's a great way to get a feel for all 17 tutorials (yep 17!) only using Adobe After Effects. Genius!

Mix stop motion with 3D

How to mix stop motion with 3D layers

This After Effects tutorial will teach you how to capture footage with Dragon Stop Motion, experiment with basic keying in After Effects and show you how to manipulate 3D layers.

How to experiment with particle effects

Vivian Kim shows you how experimenting in After Effects with the Trapcode Form plug-in can create some beautiful results.

How to add a light wrap to keyed footage

Tom Skelton presents a versatile technique for light wrapping, a common visual effects task.

Inventing new worlds

Create a virtual 3D set with After Effects

Rob Mize shows you how to create a whole new world with this 3D space tutorial. You'll be able to build realistic, sophisticated environments, where actors can actually interact with your creation.

Create a highly detailed digital terrain scan

 Create a futuristic 3D terrain scanner
Adobe After Effects: Create a futuristic 3D terrain scanner
In this tutorial, you'll be creating a futuristic 3D terrain scanner. You'll also be discovering the difference between the old version of FreeForm (the DigiEffects version, bundled with AE CS5) and the new FreeForm v2.

Impressive effects

Time freeze

Here, the team at Video Copilot explain exactly how to simulate a frozen world around one person.

How to create a dust devil with particles

After Effects tutorials expert Tom Skelton shows you how to use Trapcode Particular and CC Particle World to make a whirlwind effect entirely in post production.

How to add a camera shake

Want that realistic, Cloverfield-style handheld camera style on your footage? Learn how to fake a camera shake in this quickie After Effects tutorial.

Create an illuminated skin effect

After Effects tutorials
This 20-minute After Effects tutorial explains how to create an illuminated skin effect
In this video tutorial from Video Copilot, Andrew Kramer explains how to create an illuminated skin effect, inspired by Iron Man 3.

Create a realistic glass reflection

It's important in After Effects to get things looking realistic; especially when it comes to give-aways such as reflection. Get it right with this handy tutorial which includes use of a free plugin.

Create realistic smoke trails with particular particles

In this 21-minute After Effects tutorial, you'll learn how to create realistic looking smoke trails as well as the ability to randomise cloud texture with 3D turbulence. Could be used for Superheros or space ships!

Pixel-perfect camera move transitions

After Effects tutorials
Discover how to master pixel-perfect camera move transitions with this video tutorial from Greyscalegorilla
Want to know how to how to fly a camera around in After Effects and land on full frame video? This tutorial will show you how, helping keep your camera moves and transitions accurate and ready for a perfect edit.

Create a believable UFO sighting

Late last year, this 'UFO sighting' video was uploaded to YouTube and raked up over 10,000 views. It was also 'verified' by several 'UFO authorities' and featured in magazines and UFO sighting websites around the world. It was made in After Effects. Have a go yourself!

Create car light effects

The team at Maxafter bring you an easy to follow After Effects tutorial; showing you how to create those car light effects we often see in the dark. Once you get them moving, they look great!

Advanced 3D light rays

This video tutorial from Video Copilot explains exactly how to create 3D light rays and add light beams to 3D camera tracked footage within After Effects.

Blowing stuff up

Throw a grenade in After Effects

Adobe After Effects: Create an awesome action grenade throw
Go out with a bang with this awesome tutorial from the wonderful Andrew Kramer. In this video guide, he'll show you how to use slow motion and explosive techniques to get a realistic grenade throw.

Get blown away with an explosive corridor blast

In this beginner to advanced After Effects tutorial, you'll learn how to blow things up! Surely there can't be a better use for After Effects? With these moves you'll be on your way to After Effects stardom in no time.

Use 3DS Max to create a ball shattering with RayFire

Impress with this great tutorial from the team at Video Co-pilot. You'll learn how to use 3DS Max to create a shattering slow motion glass ball effect whilst compositing the passes in After Effects.

Create a train crashing inside After Effects & 3ds Max

This explosive training features three video tutorials, totally over two hours of training on how to create and composite a train crashing inside After Effects and 3ds Max.

Improve your animation skills

How to animate a stream of objects along a path

In this After Effects tutorial, Andy Davenport shows how to generate a flowing animated sequence based on one object.

How to animate characters into real-world scenes

Have you ever seen a commercial where an animated character is painted onto a real background and wondered how it was done? This tutorial provides the answer and delve into the nuts and bolts of blending modes and Track Matte functionality.

A simple puzzle animation with the shatter plug-in

In this After Effects tutorial, you'll learn how to create a cool looking puzzle animation with the simplest of techniques. A tutorial that's fun and versatile enough to come in handy at a later date.

May the force be with you

Generate instant Light Sabers in After Effects Pt. 1

Adobe After Effects: Learn motion blur with Light Sabers
Who wouldn't want to create a real life Light Saber?! Once again, Andrew Kramer impresses with his After Effects expertise and shows you how to custom preset to generate instant Light Sabers and how to change color, size and setting.

Generate instant Light Sabers in After Effects Pt. 2

Part two of this awesome After Effecfts tutorial, Andrew now shows you how preset your Light Saber with enhanced motion blur. You'll also learn how to obscure the Light Saber when behind objects.

Using After Effects CS6

After Effects CS6 in 6 minutes

If you're eager to get started in CS6 but don't have a lot of time on your hands, take a look at the video below.

After Effects CS6: Create shapes from vector layers

For those lucky enough to get their hands on the new CS6 package, take a look at this tutorial from Kevin P. McAuliffe. He'll show you how to use the new 'Create Shapes from Vector Layers' command in After Effects CS6 that'll save you plenty of time!

Moving After Effects CS5.5 plugins to CS6

Now that Adobe has launched CS6, it's time to move your plugins from CS5.5 (or previous) to the new install. You may think there'll be a lot of uninstalling and re-installing but here, Connor Cosby shows you an easier route.

Working with text

All things text in After Effects

This Digital Tutors series will teach you everything you need to know about creating, controlling, and using text in After Effects.

Create a smokey type effect in After Effects

In this step-by-step tutorial, Steve Holmes explains the process of creating a smokey effect to your type designs in After Effects.

How to simulate cut-out text in After Effects

Andy Davenport shows how to create the animated effect of a shape being cut out from a hard surface.

Create the amazing Spider-Man title sequence

In this After Effects tutorial you'll be using ShapeShifter AE, whilst combining shape layers and layer masks, to model and animate Spidey's symbol.

Create a logo using vintage typewriter keys

Create a cool logo with these vintage typewriter keys
The Video Copilot team explain how create this cool logo using vintage typewriter keys in Element 3D. Using the particle order mode, you can create any word you choose.

Out of this world effects

Create a complex energy scene

Adobe After Effects: Create a complex energy scene
You know the parts in Superhero movies when the evil guy drops down to Earth with a surge of energy? Well, now you can make that scene yourself! Cool, huh? You'll even be able to animate the particles in 3D with multiple instances.

How to create a time-lapse cloud sequence

Andy Davenport shows how to generate a moving sky backdrop within After Effects.

How to create a time tunnel effect

Andy Davenport's video explains how to create a swirling tunnel effect inspired by the Doctor Who title sequence.

Leap into a Hancock-style super jump effect

This tutorial is a great exercise for intermediate After Effects users. It has some awesome new techniques to try out as well as showing you how to use a Difference Matte to roto out an actor and then composite various HD elements in front and behind an actor.

Weather scenes

Create 3D cloud motion from still images

In just a few simple clicks, Aharon Rabinowitz shows you how to take a 2D image of clouds and use it to create realistic 3D cloud motion.

Become a storm chaser Pt.1

The first in a two-parter tutorial, you'll learn how to composite a Tornado and unique point of view using only still pictures. You'll be able to add effects like cloud twirling and distant lighting.

Become a storm chaser Pt. 2

The final part in the storm chaser tutorial, you'll be concentrating on the puppet tool as well as the camera focus options. Best of all, there are no external plugins required!
What subject areas have we missed? Let us know in the comments!
Words: Kerrie Hughes
Kerrie Hughes is content manager at Creative Bloq.